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The Origin of All Breathwork

Experience Comprehensive & Lineage-Based
Respiratory Techniques for Well-Being

• Overcome self-doubt, anxiety, and insomnia
• Alkalize your body,
 boost immunity, and curb cravings
• Connect to your highest potential and spark healthy changes

Rhiannon Headshot smile

"I understand that our healing power lies within each of us and that the job of facilitators like myself is to simply connect you with that power; to introduce you to your higher self."
- Rhiannon

Facilitator & Teacher Certified by

The Academy of Integrated Human Sciences ®

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“For breath is life and if you breathe well you will live long on earth."  Sanskrit Proverb

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About Me

Hi! I'm Rhiannon and I am a legally certified pranayama and breathwork facilitator. I received my certification from The Academy of Integrated Human Sciences via The Breath Center which is one of the few legally certified educational organizations in the United States. My certification reflects the 1000+ hours that I have put into research, analysis, facilitation and direct study with its founder, Michael Brian Baker. 


With over 20 years experience in Vedantic Philosophy and practice, The Breath Center is a leader in academic discourse and comprehension in the science of breathwork. Their Anatomy of Awakening Breathwork Training Program requires extremely high levels of competency from students and its graduates are the most deeply prepared breathwork facilitators in the world. I graduated from AOA with honors and became the lead TA and coursework writer-editor for the program. I also became the head teacher of the Breathwork Class at Soul of Yoga in Encinitas, California. A student of yoga and healing arts since 2010, I am an experienced meditation guide, yin yoga instructor, healing integration consultant, Spanish translator, music producer, writer, and disc jockey.


Come to one of my weekly classes available in-person, online, and recorded. Learn more about my journey below or read testimonials from my clients. Discover more about the primary respiratory technique that I share or contact me to book a private session or consultation. If you're ready to uplift your community and the planet by investing in your personal evolution and highest potentiality, I'm here to guide you through this exciting process!

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The first formal meditation training that I received was in 2010. I completed the Transcendental Meditation® course via one-on-one instruction and have been practicing TM ever since. In 2017, I completed the 50-Hour Yin Yoga Teacher Training Program at The Bhakti Yoga Shala in Santa Monica, California. This program deepened my understanding, practice, and guidance of various yin yoga asana, meditation, and pranayama techniques. In 2018, I completed the full facilitator training program with Michael Brian Baker at The Breath Center in California where I learned how to safely, responsibly, and intuitively guide a person through a breathwork session. I studied the ancient origins of pranayama and gained experience and understanding about the extensive health benefits of this advanced human science. Since then, I have been facilitating one-on-one and group sessions online and in-person out of my private practice based in Santa Monica, California. After logging dozens of facilitation hours for individuals and groups and submitting a final exam that resembled a master's thesis, I became a Certified Graduate, Facilitator and Teacher. I am Certified by The Academy of Integrated Human Sciences ® which is the legal educational organization of my school. Continuing my studies, I became their lead TA and coursework writer-editor, assisting in the creation of their signature Anatomy Of Awakening program and Breathwork 101 course. Check out testimonials here to get an idea of what a session is like and the value that it can offer you.



My intense life experiences and equally intense healing processes have helped me cultivate a huge amount of compassion for my human colleagues (along with a wicked sense of humor). As a result, I am able to approach participants with experience-based knowledge, non-judgement, transparency, and love. I often have complete strangers share things with me that they don't normally share with others (so they say). I'm aware that my presence provides safety and inspires trust so I am putting it to work. When you find yourself within a grounded, trustworthy, and informed container, there is no limit to the amount of understanding and evolving that can take place. Whether I am guiding you through a group breath practice, a private healing session, or an integration, I meet you where you are at; I become a transparent and compassionate mirror that reflects your truth back to you. For I understand that our healing power lies within each of us and that the job of facilitators like myself is to simply connect you with that power; to introduce you to your best self. I am currently teaching Weekly Breathwork Classes at the Soul of Yoga studio in Encinitas, California. These classes are available in-person, online, and recorded which means you can join me from anywhere and any time zone! Come try out this powerful yet gentle advanced respiratory technique and experience health benefits immediately. To stay up-to-date with my teaching schedule, contact me and I'll add you to my private invite list. I facilitate a very limited amount of private one-on-one sessions in-person in Santa Monica, California and online via Zoom.  Contact me to inquire. I am the head Guardian at The Breath Center so I help train and manage the team that creates the safety containers at the massive group sessions that my teacher facilitates at festivals around the world. Prior to the lockdowns I hosted fun and engaging women's gatherings in my local community and volunteered as a counselor and Spanish translator at a non-profit women’s center in Van Nuys, California. I was also the meditation and breathwork teacher for the staff there.


I have a Bachelor of Arts Degree from The University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada. I earned several scholarships during my academic career at UBC along with a membership to The Golden Key International Honour Society. I am a Certified Graduate, Facilitator, and Teacher at The Breath Center where I completed all levels of training with Michael Brian Baker and am now part of the AOA alumni. I submitted a final exam that included a 125-page research paper on the art and science of pranayama and human anatomy as they relate to wellness and awakening. I graduated with honors from The Breath Center and continue to educate myself by TAing for them. In order to continue unwinding and expanding my consciousness, I maintain a personal practice with the work. I also deepen my understanding by visiting an entheogenic healing center from Peru called Sinchi Runa (currently located in Portugal/Spain). Since 2011, I have participated in dozens of sessions and retreats and I have completed six dietas or "spiritual diets" under the protection and guidance of Maestro Sanango. Accumulatively, I have spent several months in isolation in the jungle self-guiding meditations, pranayama, dream interpretation, writing, and simply being. Should you be interested in pursuing such a journey, I offer consultation, preparation, and integration support in that area as well.  Please contact me for more information.

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“Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race, or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love. To awaken this unity -and to spread to others the love that is our inherent nature- is the true goal of human life.”

- Amma

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