About Breathwork
"Breathwork" is a rebranding and simplification of a complex and advanced human science and spiritual practice. Breathwork was developed in the last hundred years and continues to be experimented with, leading to mixed and sometimes detrimental results. The original respiratory techniques that ALL breathwork pulls from date back thousands of years and are one of the most sophisticated and integrative human sciences known to humankind. I teach and facilitate breathing exercises from these original teachings. If this interests you, I'd love to share more with you and guide you through a simple practice of one particular advanced technique that wields powerful and proven results for wellbeing. To experience this practice and its health benefits firsthand, join me at my Weekly Breathwork Classes that are available in-person, online, and recorded (join me from anywhere at any time)!
Guided safely and gently within an informed and compassionate context, these active respiratory meditations are an opportunity to remove blocks, connect with your highest potential, and significantly improve your physical, mental, emotional, and energetic health. Amongst a plethora of proven benefits, this practice elongates the brain waves, increases neural plasticity in the brain, and activates oxytocin, serotonin, melatonin, and vasopressin. This means that it has the power to counter dis-ease, rewire negative thinking, decrease emotional reactivity, release old thought patterns, and create space and flexibility for new and healthier habits to emerge. It also alkalizes, oxygenates, and detoxifies the body, boosts the immune system, and resets the vagus nerve. There is much more to share with you about this incredible practice. I invite you to embark on a journey of self-discovery and RESET your body, mind, and soul with me on a weekly basis -the health benefits are accumulative! I welcome you to read testimonials from past participants, contact me directly, and see what my school is up to.
If you would like to contribute to positive change in the world, the place to start is within.
“The world is nothing but a collection of individuals.
Change the individual, change the world.”
- J. Krishnamurti